Customer Service

We're here to help.

Midlands Assessment Centre Ltd staff are qualified Dyslexia Assessors and Specialist Teachers.

Alongside their qualifications they have 10 years experience of working with students with disabilities. Their experience ranges from teaching and assessing people with Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Aspergers, Attention Deficit, Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment and Physical Difficulties.
Midlands Assessment Centre Ltd offers Dyslexia Assessments and Needs Assessment. We can also offer remote assessments nationwide.

Customer Service

The centre charges a single assessment fee, which will cover all work required for the duration of course for study. This will include:

  • Additional needs with which a student presents
  • Any activities undertaken by the assessor or centre to review the student’s DSA support, for the duration of the original course.
  • Liaison with funding bodies, equipment suppliers HEIs or other stakeholders for the purpose of review of the student’s support needs.

We hope that the services you receive from us are of the quality you need. However, we know that there may be times when you may be unhappy with the service you receive, or you may want to suggest a way to improve it.

The people who can best deal with most concerns are those who provide the service. We can normally resolve concerns, mistakes and misunderstandings quickly. However, if we cannot sort out your problem this way, the complaints procedure is here to help you.

Your complaints are important to us. They help us to:

  • Put things right when they go wrong
  • Listen and learn
  • Change and improve the way we provide services.

So don’t be worried about telling us your concerns as all complaints will be handled in a professional and non-confrontational manner.

How can I complain?

We want to make it easy for you as possible to let us know if you feel something has gone wrong.

You can complain by:

Our complaints procedure

We will reply within 10 working days from when we receive your complaint. Contact will be made by phone, e-mail or in writing (please advise us if you have a preference). If we are unable to give a full reply within this time (e.g. should we need to investigate something) then you will receive an interim response, telling you what is being done to deal with your complaint and estimate of how long this may take.

This will also include details of who to contact next if you feel that your complaint has not been resolved. The final stage in the complaints procedure will be dealt with by the Managing Director.

Get in touch with us

Fill out the form below on our contact page and one of our team members will be in touch. Thank you!
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